Single Family Homeowner. Term Expires 2024.
Vice President
Townhome Homeowner. Term Expires 2024.
Townhome Homeowner. Term Expires 2024.
Townhome Homeowner. Term Ends 2024.
At-Large Member
Single Family Homeowner. Term Expires 2026.
Portfolio Community Manger
Association's POC with the management company.
The Board ordered the evaluation of the culverts at Club House and Crossing, which was a precursor to the imminent paving project.
The Board has developed a paving project, which prioritizes the order of road paving in the Townhome sections. Crossing and Batley were paved in October. Remaining roads will be on a schedule, which will be promulgated at a later time.
The Board has developed a sidewalk repair project, which identified all the sections of sidewalk that must be repaired or replaced. The Board has requested quotes from multiple concrete vendors. The project was deployed in phases with Phase 1 being the shaving of sidewalks to reduce uneven surfaces and Phase 2 will be the repair/replacement of sidewalks that require attention. Phase 1 was completed in October 2024. The Board anticipates sidewalks that need to be repaired or replaced will be completed by the end of the calendar year.
The Board contracted a firm to trim back all trees and bushes encroaching on common areas to ensure freedom of movement throughout the community.
The Board installed cameras at multiple points on the Clubhouse to provide safety and security of our community and its members. The Board is discussing the potential addition of one or two more cameras to observe the side parking lot, playground, and tennis courts to further enhance security in the community.
The Board approved and implemented the use of a new method of ensuring authorized patrons can use the pool. The Pool Badge system removed the need for annual issuance of pool passes. Instead, the system allows pool workers instant access to a database that informs them if patrons are authorized access, and electronically check people at the same time.
The Board created a web presence for the community to provide relevant information to homeowners.
The Board directed the creation of a Microsoft 365 instance for use by the Board to administer its' functions. This will ensure continuity with the Board when offices change and provide a consistent touchpoint for homeowners with the Board.
The Board instituted the use of eVoting as permitted by Commonwealth of Virginia regulations. This enables homeowners to communicate with the Board regarding their votes and mitigates the need for proxies to conduct business.